Cyber Awareness @ FIT:

In the last 15 years, computing technology has become increasingly central in everyone’s life. From private to public information, criminals prey on computers to steal information, money, and identities. As do bullies hide behind screens to harass and assault victims. Luckily at FIT, a nationally recognized program has been underway to promote cyber awareness. In …

Taking A Breath at FIT’s Meditation Space:

The FIT Meditation Space is located on the seventh floor of the Dubinsky Student Center (Room A-746), and was created to provide a spiritually calm, warm, and supportive space for FIT students. It invites students from all backgrounds and cultures to meditate, pray, reflect, or simply to take time to be still. Personally, I love to relax in …

A Week @ FIT:

As many students wonder what actually happens during the week at FIT, the Department of Student Life gives all students a great breakdown of different events and activities going on, day by day! Each Sunday, “This Week @ FIT” provides plenty of information on things going on around campus. As a great intro into Week …

My Last Semester:

Where do I even begin… As my last semester , I look back on my time here, and from where it really all began. A boy, lost in his fashion dreams, taking a risk to move across the country to pursue his dreams. Here’s some excerpts of my application essay to FIT. Reading it again …

Being FIT for the New Year:

As we all come back from the hibernation that is Winter Break, I’m sure we all have told ourselves “only one bite” of your aunt’s delicious chocolate cake or mom’s famous macaroni and cheese. If you’re like me, taking only “one” bite turns into ten. Going into 2018, here are some tips I’m going to …