For the Foodies

Hello! I hope all your finals went well, and that you are having a great start to the holidays! Yesterday was my last final, which means that today I am celebrating with my friends and treating myself to a good meal. While walking back home a few weeks ago after an evening class, I walked passed …

Summer Goals

Summer break is finally here!  Unfortunately, the blog will not be active until the fall semester starts back up again, so I wanted to fill you in until we return this August!  This summer I’m looking forward to working, planning for my fall internship, and trying to explore New York as much as humanly possible.  I …

Summer classes’ Do’s and Dont’s

Almost every semester now I have taken a summer class, although they have only been online they really instilled a good work ethic in me. My personal advice is if you can take summer classes’ online do it, best decision I made. If you want to travel and work you have more flexibility to do …

Museums Every FIT Student Should Visit

Hello there! Since being at FIT I’ve had a completely different view on museums. FIT really opened my eyes to the world of museums and how to really enjoy them. Listed below are some of my favorite museums and some I think everyone should go visit at least once in their lives. The Met This must …

A Day in the life of an Online Student

Hello everyone! This past semester has been truly different for me, it was the first semester I took all of my classes online and didn’t go to school physically at FIT. Everyone thinks online classes are really easy or some even think they are really hard and require a lot of work but neither of …