Christmas Shopping at Chelsea Market

Hey there! Hope all your finals are going well so far… As we all know we don’t only have to worry about finals, but Christmas shopping too. What gifts to get, who to gift them too etc. Each year I wait last minute to do all my Christmas shopping, and every year I freak out, because …

Alone For Thanksgiving…

The holidays are upon us once again! For some it means going back home and spending it with the family, but others might not be as lucky and are spending it alone this year. It’s really easy to get into a funk, when you see all your friends and family, having a great time. But …

Holiday Festivities

The holiday season is among us, which means it’s a great time to explore the city looking for the best activities and spots for gifts!  Every single year, New York lights up with holiday cheer and anticipation for the big New Year festivity.  Here are some of my favorite spots to feel the excitement of the …

L.E.S Galleries with an Art Curator

Hey there! Last week was a really exciting day, because it was the first time I’ve been gallery hopping in New York, I know it’s crazy! I went with my friend who is an art curator, she explained to me what her job consist of and what she looks at when picking art. It was really interesting getting …

Autumn Adventures

The options are endless when it comes to activities to do in the city and the time around Halloween is no different!  Here are some of the fun events happening around Halloween weekend: Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade Saturday, October 22nd, 12 – 3 PM Tompkins Square Park, East Village Hundreds of dogs in costumes …