The holidays are upon us once again! For some it means going back home and spending it with the family, but others might not be as lucky and are spending it alone this year. It’s really easy to get into a funk, when you see all your friends and family, having a great time. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that because they are having a great time that you shouldn’t too!
Here are my tips on how to feel not so alone during the holidays…
Help others. Holidays are the perfect excuse to go out of your comfort zone, and do something you would never do otherwise. If you like giving, why not try volunteering at a food bank or somewhere else. Trust me it’s a great feeling, knowing that you’ve made someones day, that little more special.
Plan an outing. Go to the movies, a museum, the park, or even go out of the city and go for a hike. My roommate did that, and she said it was beautiful. You just hope on a train and pick a spot.
Get together with your friends. You won’t even realize how many of your friends are in the same situation you are in. Don’t feel bad calling them up and hanging out together, I’m sure they’d love too. For example this year I’m spending thanksgiving alone, but I decided to call up a few friends and now we’re having our own friend thanksgiving.
Treat Yo Self! Takes this time as an opportunity to pamper yourself. Go to a spa, get a manicure/pedicure, or even a massage. This will make you feel amazing, and take your mind of of the holidays for a little.