Cyber Tips for Cyber Monday

Although we all dread the lines for Black Friday there is something much easier a few days later which is Cyber Monday. ( This is when I do all my shopping) . Over the years I have realized a few things that can help maximize your savings and minimize your time online. Sign up for …

Free Events in NYC this December

Hey everyone! I do not know about you but getting closer to the holidays I do not have a lot of extra money to spare so I am always looking for free events. I recently came across a few that I know everyone really enjoys and some that are brand new. The Holiday Shops at …


In the tragic event all over the news we all know what recently happened in Paris. Paris is in a state of emergency amid a deadly shooting, hostage situation and scary explosion that has left at least 127 dead.It has confirmed by France that this is an act of terrorism, as multiple shocking tragedies took place …

Online Classes Vs. Actual Class

Hey everyone, So recently I have come to a time in my FIT career where I am given the opportunity to work full time while I am finishing up my last few semesters. Being an ITM major I am given the opportunity to take majority of my classes online. Since I live in New Jersey …

FIT has Pride!

Hey everyone ! So this past week FIT showed its colors in the breezeway, while presenting FIT Pride Day. This day was one that is close to my heart. Having Friends, Family, and many loved ones who are gay, lesbian, whatever sexuality it may be, who are very close to me. I have seen there …