Online Classes Vs. Actual Class

Hey everyone,


So recently I have come to a time in my FIT career where I am given the opportunity to work full time while I am finishing up my last few semesters. Being an ITM major I am given the opportunity to take majority of my classes online. Since I live in New Jersey and I waste about 10 hours a week back and forth commuting I thought it might be a great idea to only take online classes next semester.

So have taken a lot of online classes at school before I know what to expect but the question is do you? When choosing to take an online class you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are you able to push yourself to do work when not in a physical classroom?
  • Do you learn better in groups or alone?
  • Even though you take an online class do you have enough time to devote to doing so, online classes tend to take the same amount of time if not more.
  • Are you able to self motivate?

Before fully committing to a fully online schedule I do suggest you take a class here or there to see if it is for you. I personally love them especially because I can work at my own pace and I often work ahead. So next semester will you be interested in taking an online class?
