So it Begins

Today is the beginning of an epic trip around the world. Well, really around Europe and also Central America. My journey starts today flying into Panamá City to take part in the International Trade and Marketing Practicum. The class is technically part of the ITM major, but can be taken by anyone. Each year the …


Happy New Year! I hope this 2014 is full of great adventures (remember only bad decisions make good stories haha)! I wanted to dedicate this post to the one of the most important things that made my New Year’s eve literally, end with a bang. (Drum-roll please…) It is the FIT App also known as, …

The easy way to pay for next semester

It’s that time of year everyone, money is almost due again! For me this is ALWAYS the most stressful part of school. To be very honest this is the time where I cry, mostly because I’m not sure if I will be able to go back to school  if I don’t get the money. Personally …

New You

Hey all, I just got done with work for the night and I had the urge to blog! A lot has been going through my mind lately. Final grades, paying for next semester, being bored without school! ( yeah I know I am a nerd ). Also things in my personal life like work, relationships, …

Trying to Be an Adult

There are a lot of things adults do that I still don’t do, even after three years at college. Cooking nutritious meals is definitely one of these things. I don’t know if you could tell by my last post, but I don’t exactly have the best diet. This is what my Trader Joe’s basket typically …