
Did you know currently in NYC there are 58,780 homeless people, 14,107 homeless families, and 23,692 homeless children? As it is startingĀ to get closer to cold weather I recently saw something that truly broke my heart and I need to give back. Being a voice that is heard quite often I felt I should tell …

Midterms are approaching us…

Hey everyone, It feels almost as if school just started and we just began learning, but that is far from the case. We are already at midterms , and large projects due, papers, ect. Before you know it school will be coming to an end once again and we will be another semester closer to …

SALT money

  So I know I have spoken about SALT before in pasts posts, but vaguely. Recently I was put into a position where it was very difficult for me to pay for school. So I went to the financialĀ aid office and asked what I could do to make next semesters payment attainable. They were so …

College Freshman

Although I am no longer a Freshman I have been there and conquered that year. So I thought I would give you all a few tips to help you get through it. DONT BUY TEXTBOOKS AT THE SCHOOL BOOKSTORE! That was the biggest mistake I made, my first semester I probably spent over 500 dollars …

What this year entails…

Why hello everyone! So here we are back at the first week of college for most and for others the first week of college for the 3rd or 4th time. So far this semester I met so many amazing new people already. I am still amazed after three years at FIT how many different people …