What this year entails…

Why hello everyone!

So here we are back at the first week of college for most and for others the first week of college for the 3rd or 4th time. So far this semester I met so many amazing new people already. I am still amazed after three years at FIT how many different people are sitting right next to me. My first class alone I had 3 people from three different countries, how crazy is that? I think personally that’s what I love about FIT the most is how diverse it is. Some day’s I wish I could interview everyone that walked past me while I’m sitting in the library or outside just to see where they come from or what college means to them.

But regardless this is probably the most exciting semester thus far for me, as for many of you. I have so many exciting classes and opportunities coming up. Being in my third year at FIT this is probably the first semester that I am not nervous going back to school. For once life is finally starting to settle down and I know now how to manage my time properly. I have two jobs this semester besides blogging. I know you think its impossible but if you manage your schedule and time properly , But you will have enough time for everything I promise.

Your first two years are usually all over the place, well at least for me they were. Your overwhelmed with your school work and getting straight A’s like you did in high school , or being the best at your projects. The truth is sometimes you aren’t the straight A student in your class and you aren’t the best at your project ,and that is ok too.( And I am not telling you to not try I am telling you to try your hardest and its ok not to be perfect sometimes). It took quite a long time for me to become ok with this but college teaches you your strengths and weakness’ sometimes you will be so great in English but fail your interior design project one ( that you have no experience with, but how could you its your first semester here).


For me college taught me how to be ok with being the best , being ok, and being horrible at some things. College helped me find how I am, who I want to be and how struggle can only make you stronger. So regardless if you are first semester ,third semester, or fifth semester I am giving you the best advice anyone will ever tell you. Calm down one day it will all make sense and you will no longer feel like you have to compare yourself to the girl who never fails at anything next to you, because well you are you, and its ok not to be someone else.

Good Luck this semester !

