After reading Ashley’s goals for this upcoming semester, I felt inspired to write my own. She’s so right about the beginning of the semester. This summer I realized how much I NEED nature in my life to feel like a sane person, and keep me grounded. I also acquired a few new jobs *yay* and have to weave all of my life together somehow.
– Use the gym + free movement classes provided for FIT more often (I mean, we are all paying for it, may as well use it to our full advantage.)
– Immerse myself in all the incredible nature New York *state, not city* has to offer.
– Volunteer at least twice monthly at a community garden ( FIT’s rooftop dye garden possibly?)
– Write and give an amazing presentation at the upcoming Writer’s Tutor’s Conference.
– Find a healthy balance between my classes & my numerous jobs đŸ™‚
All Things Color, Love & Fashion,
Ayanna Lane
H. Ayanna,
I’m a bit behind in my reading, but I love love love your positivity! How inspiring you are. Your post is one to keep reading over and over. Thanks for posting it! And the colorfulness is great! It was a day maker
Hope all is going your way,
Emily Victorson