New York City Gyms

For all the fitness lovers out there and want something beyond what the FIT gym provides (it’s a great not get me wrong), I’m here to help!  There are plenty of gyms in the Chelsea area, but not all gyms are created equal!  From equipment, classes, shower facilities, and of course…price, there are a …

Online Class Advice

If you are a typical FIT student, you probably have a million different things going on at once.  Between internships, jobs, commuting, family, friends, and enjoying your college years, FIT students have a lot on their plate!  With your crazy schedule, online classes may be perfect for you!  From my personal experiences, online classes provided …

2016 Goals

Hey everyone, So as the holidays are quickly leaving us already the new year approaches us. This year I decided its a year about me , I am going to travel, I am going to work harder then ever at my job, I am going to get straight A’s , oh and did I mention …

The Wrap Up

Hey everyone! So the end of the semester is coming pretty quickly. I feel like it was just yesterday where I was writing about my goals for this semester, where I thought I would be and my expectations for my classes. I must say I learned so much this semester and my life has changed …

Keep Calm and Final On!

Well the clock is ticking and finals are just starting or are about to start for most of us. Its the time of the year that you don’t know if you should give up and watch some Netflix or push yourself to study more. So as these tough times start to approach us I have …