Tutoring Center

Hey guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about the tutoring center here at FIT, because I got a few questions about it. I used to be the type of person that never went to the tutoring center or ask for help, because I thought it was going to be a waste of time …

Perks of being in the Honors Program

Hello! So a couple months ago, I decided to take the plunge and apply for the honors program here at FIT. I always had good grades, but I was really scared of applying for any extra activities at FIT, because I had already so much work on my hands with school work, that I didn’t …

Why NYC is Great for College Students

Hey there! I don’t know about you, but I remember when I was picking my college, something that was really important for me was the location. I wanted it to be something totally different to what I was used to back home. I was hesitating between New York and Los Angeles, but ended up picking New York …

Closest Places to Grab Good Coffee

  Hello there! If you are like me, coffee is basically your life. Since moving to New York, I have become a coffee addict. I can’t function in the morning without a good cup of coffee. I know a lot of students here at FIT feel the same way, but they often just go to Starbucks …

The Career and Internship Center at FIT

Did you know that FIT has a leading career and internship center with a team of experienced counselors, knowledgeable and friendly support staff that offer a range of services that help students and alumni succeed in the industry, match students and graduates with jobs and internships that suit their interests, abilities, and goals, and bring employers …