Hi everyone! Over the last month a friend and I went apartment shopping and have secured our living space for the next year. This will be my first ever apartment that is not a part of the FIT residence halls, and I am very excited about it. Since I was new to the apartment search …
Tag Archives: housing
Living in NYC: Dorm Hacks
Living in NYC can be quite an experience, but it is truly what you make it. Here is a 5 helpful dorm hacks/tips that I have found helpful over my last two years dorming at FIT! 1. Make a chore list: It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but you need one. Things will get messy, …
Perks of being in the Honors Program
Hello! So a couple months ago, I decided to take the plunge and apply for the honors program here at FIT. I always had good grades, but I was really scared of applying for any extra activities at FIT, because I had already so much work on my hands with school work, that I didn’t …