Academic Tutoring to the Rescue

This is just a friendly reminder that you are not alone! As semester classes begin to get more challenging, it doesn’t mean you have to struggle. One of great things about FIT is that they offer an Academic Skills Tutoring Center, located in the Dubinsky building, room A608B.  The Tutoring Center is a free service for …

Tutoring Center

Hey guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about the tutoring center here at FIT, because I got a few questions about it. I used to be the type of person that never went to the tutoring center or ask for help, because I thought it was going to be a waste of time …

Welcome or Welcome Back

Hi Everyone, So yes, I admit it.. I have been absent for a while (but for good reason). I’m proud to tell you that I finally launched my project. InfoModa RD is the first digital Dominican Fashion Encyclopedia based on informational interviews of professionals in the fashion industry within the Dominican Republic. The website is …