Senior Spotlight: Lara Tabak, Inaugural Infor/FIT Fashion Design ICONS Award

    In total awe of Lara Tabak, an FIT senior majoring in Fashion Design, who recently won the first ever Inaugural Infor/FIT Fashion Design ICONS Award! This past Friday, she joined designers and celebrities at the Harper’s Bazaar ICONS celebration held at The Plaza. Infor, a leading provider of cloud software for the fashion industry, is …

My Met Gala Experience

Hello! I just want to start by saying that you should all take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, because you never know what else might come from it. Although sometimes it might not seem as glamours as you’ve imagined, you never know what you might gain from it. Being at FIT you are …

NYC: The City of Opportunities

First of all, I hope everyone had a lovely Holiday season and break! Although I am missing the California weather, I am so excited to be back in school and in the city! I apologize for my absence blogging since I have been overwhelmed with SO many awesome things that have happened to me over …

Notes From the 6 Train: Dias De Muertos

Halloween can be tough, as it’s a time people openly disrespect a plethora of groups and communities through completely disrespectful cultural appropriation. I’m not suggesting to stop learning about other cultures, that would be absurd. We live in New York City, that’s kind of the whole point of living in this city! But there are …

Life in the Concrete Jungle: An Introduction

I know what you’re thinking… it’s New York City – I’ll never make it, I’ll go broke, I’m one in a million who have the same dream of being successful in the fashion industry… These thoughts running rapidly in your mind are holding you back… But let me tell you this – To the prospective …