Feel Less Stressed

Hey guys! As you are all aware of the semester is coming to an end and test, presentations and papers are starting to pile up. This means we are all starting to feel overwhelmed and stressed. I read an article the other day on Refinery that talked about how to deal with stress and I …

Tutoring Center

Hey guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about the tutoring center here at FIT, because I got a few questions about it. I used to be the type of person that never went to the tutoring center or ask for help, because I thought it was going to be a waste of time …

Perks of being in the Honors Program

Hello! So a couple months ago, I decided to take the plunge and apply for the honors program here at FIT. I always had good grades, but I was really scared of applying for any extra activities at FIT, because I had already so much work on my hands with school work, that I didn’t …

Why NYC is Great for College Students

Hey there! I don’t know about you, but I remember when I was picking my college, something that was really important for me was the location. I wanted it to be something totally different to what I was used to back home. I was hesitating between New York and Los Angeles, but ended up picking New York …

Closest Places to Grab Good Coffee

  Hello there! If you are like me, coffee is basically your life. Since moving to New York, I have become a coffee addict. I can’t function in the morning without a good cup of coffee. I know a lot of students here at FIT feel the same way, but they often just go to Starbucks …