Online Classes Vs. Actual Class

Hey everyone, So recently I have come to a time in my FIT career where I am given the opportunity to work full time while I am finishing up my last few semesters. Being an ITM major I am given the opportunity to take majority of my classes online. Since I live in New Jersey …

FIT has Pride!

Hey everyone ! So this past week FIT showed its colors in the breezeway, while presenting FIT Pride Day. This day was one that is close to my heart. Having Friends, Family, and many loved ones who are gay, lesbian, whatever sexuality it may be, who are very close to me. I have seen there …


Did you know currently in NYC there are 58,780 homeless people, 14,107 homeless families, and 23,692 homeless children? As it is starting to get closer to cold weather I recently saw something that truly broke my heart and I need to give back. Being a voice that is heard quite often I felt I should tell …

Midterms are approaching us…

Hey everyone, It feels almost as if school just started and we just began learning, but that is far from the case. We are already at midterms , and large projects due, papers, ect. Before you know it school will be coming to an end once again and we will be another semester closer to …

A Luxury Market

Calling all business and Technology students! On Wednesday October 21, 2015 join FIT in welcoming five top CEO’s and CMOs from the fashion, retail, cosmetics, and luxury arenas. It is from 5:30-7:30 in the Katie Murphy Amphitheater . Companies will be including Sony music, Gilt, Marvin Traub and more. In order to attend this event …