Well, hello there Blogosphere! Remember me? 🙂 It feels good to be back and writing for the FIT Admissions Blog. It’s almost been a full year, can you believe it? School has swung back into session, almost like we never left. Students have refilled every crevice of FIT’s campus and the spirit of a new …
Tag Archives: AMC
Back In the New York Groove
New York City has a flow like no other. Everyone walking is in a rush to be somewhere and they’re most likely running late. A walk down the street doesn’t just get you to your destination but also doubles as cardio! If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Or NY’s version, …
Wise Words for Your Monday Morning
Tonight as I finished up my homework, I wandered over to FIT’s website out of curiosity as to what would be happening this upcoming week on campus. After scrolling through this months events calendar, my eyes fell upon a graphic entitled “Meet FIT.” I can only thank the internet God’s for making me click that. I …