Tonight as I finished up my homework, I wandered over to FIT’s website out of curiosity as to what would be happening this upcoming week on campus. After scrolling through this months events calendar, my eyes fell upon a graphic entitled “Meet FIT.” I can only thank the internet God’s for making me click that. I was directed to FIT’s YouTube channel which until now, I didn’t even know existed!
I first watched the video titled “Meet FIT,” which included a group of students, faculty and alumni (including Calvin Klein himself) describing what makes FIT the wonderful & innovative college that it is. I couldn’t have agreed more with what some in the video were saying. FIT’s channel includes different playlists of videos such as Academics (which showcases student projects from different art & design programs), Fashion Shows (where you can watch entire videos of FIT’s prestigious annual Future of Fashion show) and finally Commencement (where you can watch clips of speakers from graduation.)
Having just applied to graduate with my associates degree (what?!?!!!), I have graduation on the mind. Personally, I chose not to walk the stage to receive my AAS diploma but I most definitely will when I complete my bachelors. However, I was still very curious as to what a graduation ceremony at FIT would be like. I’d only ever been to my older siblings college graduation ceremonies, neither of which were from fashion schools! So, I think I might be a little more interested in this one 😉
The list of speakers from year to year is jaw-dropping! Names like Fern Mallis, Rebecca Minkoff and Joe Zee (to name a few) are enough to keep me motivated for the next two and a half years, just so I can see who will be at my graduation! The amount of speakers I could listen to on this channel is somewhat overwhelming, so I’ll be up for the next couple hours catching up!
I travelled back to 2011’s graduation when I saw that Glenda Bailey, the editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar, had given a speech. Harper’s Bazaar has been my favorite publication for years and to think I could sit and listen to someone of Bailey’s caliber speak at my own graduation ceremony is beyond exciting. But the best part is – because of FIT’s YouTube channel, I’m able to watch her speech and pretend I was there!
Bailey was speaking at the ceremony after receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from FIT. Her speech was brief, but very impactful. Her wise words (spoken in her delightful British accent) to 2011’s group of graduates gave me butterflies of excitement. I know these next two and a half years won’t always be the easiest. But once I’m sitting in that audience, donning my cobalt blue cap & gown, listening to someone like Glenda Bailey (maybe even Glenda Bailey herself!) I will look back at these years of hard work with the biggest smile and sense of accomplishment.
I suggest you take a look at FIT’s YouTube channel. Take a look at what YOU will be a part of, on campus, in class, and get those butterflies of excitement just like I did. Although I have not yet graduated, speeches like these give me the strength I need to wake up on a Monday morning and begin my week. I leave you on this fine Sunday evening with some of these wise words from Ms. Glenda Bailey.
“It’s today that I want you to really smell the success. You’ve worked so hard to achieve it, to enjoy it. You see, getting a degree was one of the best things that happened to me, and it’s one of the very, very best things that has happened to all of you…Remember that there’s no such thing as a problem, only an opportunity. Remember that sometimes good can be the greatest enemy of great and to really follow your dream. Today is the first day that’s going to start to make your dreams come true.”
Have a magnificent week, my friends!
xx, Brendan