Things to Do: Student Springtime

Happy Weekend! The weather hitting above 50 degrees this weekend felt like the perfect opportunity to get some sun and fresh air… and a quick break from projects. I decided to head to the Bronx and visit the Bronx Zoo. Did you know that the Bronx Zoo offers free admission for any FIT student? Neither did …

Head Start for Spring at FIT

Hello All! Believe it or not, winter is just around the corner, and fall semester is over half way done! Crazy right? It is never to early to consider can’t-miss activities to add to your spring calendar. The best part of springtime at FIT is that Manhattan embraces spring with open arms. There is so …

Sakura Matsuri Cherry BlossomFestival

Has the recent weather been bringing you down? Looking for something to get back into that Spring vibe? Look no further than the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens! This weekend, April 29th-30th is the annual Cherry Blossom Festival – Sakura Matsuri! When April 29th-30th 6am-10pm Where The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (990 Washington Ave, Brooklyn) What 60+ events …

Springtime in the City

The city is back to life! Trees are budding, flowers are being replanted, color is seeping back into the humans and surroundings of New York. People are smiling and laughing as they walk down the street, happy to finally unravel and de-bundle themselves from their winter jackets, hats and scarves. Dogs sniff their way down …


I don’t know if I’ve ever been more eager for a vacation… It is finally Spring Break here at FIT! Last weekend, Students quickly began filing out of the dorms with their suitcases packed and a smile on their face. I don’t think it’s just me – everyone’s brains are fried. Especially after this depressing …