Spring 2017: Welcome Back!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to FIT and hopefully the start to a successful and fun new semester. I hope you all had a beautiful winter break and had the opportunity to recharge, refresh and spend time with friends and family. I had an incredible holiday, I went back to Switzerland and it was the first …

Prepare for a Successful Semester

The start of the new semester is right around the corner!  Even though I am a senior, I still get nervous about the start of a new semester, but there are some tips and tricks that I use to help ease myself when entering a new chapter of the year. Write down your goals.  There …

FIT Resources

With the start of the new year it can sometimes be difficult as to where to start regarding your resolutions or goals for the year.  The resources that are on FIT’s campus are never ending and they can help you achieve your goals.  Here are some examples: Goal: Get a job after graduation Whether you …

Plan Over Break

With an incredibly long winter break, the first instinct may be to make a mental list of all of the shows that you’re going to watch on Netflix.  While break is a great time to relax and unwind, it is also a time to reflect and plan for your future.  Here are some of my …

Christmas Shopping at Chelsea Market

Hey there! Hope all your finals are going well so far… As we all know we don’t only have to worry about finals, but Christmas shopping too. What gifts to get, who to gift them too etc. Each year I wait last minute to do all my Christmas shopping, and every year I freak out, because …