Student Sucess this week!

You all know how I love FIT student success week! The week before spring break I had the amazing opportunity to go meet some new people at the make your own bunny event in the A building on the 8th floor. This week in the same room there will be Decorate a picture frame from …

NY Times and FIT

Did you know that the NY times that is provided for you in the lobby is paid for by FIT? FIT buys a certain number of copies everyday for the students to use. Did you ever realize that those copies are gone by I would say 8:30 at the latest? Well as students we can …

Plan the Perfect Semester

Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law. If questioned twice, I will deny this post ever existed (something along the lines of identity theft). Bearing that in mind I will proceed to share my secrets with you (hahaha). Ciao incoming students, As you plan out your first …

As a freshman…

As a freshman there were a few things I wish someone had told me or that I remembered to do. Everyone has different experiences and we can’t compare one to another but my tips might help you  not make the mistakes I did, and as we all know knowledge is a form of growth. #1. …

Question Time

Hi guys! Durning junior day I got a lot of great feed back from everyone! One of the major questions that applies to all majors is what kind of supplies will you need, when will you get theses lists, how much will it cost? ect. For Art and Design major the answer is, it’s most likely going …