Did you know that the NY times that is provided for you in the lobby is paid for by FIT? FIT buys a certain number of copies everyday for the students to use. Did you ever realize that those copies are gone by I would say 8:30 at the latest? Well as students we can request more copies! All you have to do is write to the president of our school and the more people who request it the better!
Also did you know with those copies at school you can get an online copy as well? Free 247 hour access each day. The directions on how to access that is above each of the copy racks located all around school. There is one in the D-building right before the elevators.
My Methods and materials class ( third semester interior design course) just went on a trip to see this building and it was beautiful in every aspect.The building was designed by Pritzker Prize–winning architect Renzo Piano in association with FXFOWLE Architects. They had an incredible use of new technology. An advanced dispatch elevator system that uses 24 passenger elevators (32 elevators total, including service) for faster, more efficient service. The passenger indicates on the touchpad in the elevator lobby to which floor he wishes to go. The elevator system directs the passenger to a particular elevator, which picks up the passenger and drops him off on the correct floor. ( that was the coolest thing by far)! They also had Wi-Fi throughout the building to make sure employees were constantly working. ( Talk about a job that encourages you hah)This Picture is of the cafeteria – you weren’t aloud to take pictures inside so all of these are from Google
The NY times building is completely sustainable and the first of its kind. After seeing that building I think the interior design students would agree that we could seriously upgrade FIT to a completely sustainable building if we had the funding. ( IT WOULD BE A LOT of money). Overall it was a great experience and if you ever know any classes that are going I would highly recommend it! My Professor was more then happy to bring along extra students!
These were the stairs going to all the different journalist areas. This area was a lot more quiet then I thought it would be. I guess when I think of this area in a building I think of an old movie I saw it in with people screaming out ideas and such. Lastly this is the living moss garden in the middle of the building, located on the reception floor, a beautiful detail added in. You can see this from almost every angle of the building.