Question Time

Hi guys! Durning junior day I got a lot of great feed back from everyone! One of the major questions that applies to all majors is what kind of supplies will you need, when will you get theses lists, how much will it cost? ect. For Art and Design major the answer is, it’s most likely going to be costly at first especially if you don’t have any supplies for your major, if you have some things it wont be too bad.

For Interior Design I did need a lot because I started from scratch. For my graduation present my sister-in-law and brother bought me as much as they could. I received a drafting table, a t-square, drafting pencils, scales, erasers, templates, a box to put it all in, and so much more. Some important things that I can say will always come in handy is a drafting board (two if you’re a commuter student), a T-square( one wood, one metal), Drafting supplies (such as pencils, sharpeners, erasers, ect).

Another question was MAC or PC , personally I would suggest getting a PC with a great graphics card, a lot of memory and also invest in an external hardrive along with a few USBs. MAC is great but FIT teaches you everything on PC so if your willing to teach yourself programs like CAD and REVIT on MAC be my guest, but your going to have more trouble then the other people in your class.

DO NOT buy books new! For your liberal arts courses I would suggest renting them or getting them as E books. For your main interior design classes I would suggest buying them used or the more major ones new. The books for your interior design courses will be used throughout all your years in this program, so it is a good investment.

Keep in mind these helpful hints are for interior design students so what I mentioned about PC and MAC may not apply to you!

