NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT At 10AM yesterday, FIT among schools across the nation participated in one of the largest school walk outs in history protesting for a change in gun regulations. #ENOUGH National School Walkout, is a student-led campaign responding to the killing of 17 people—largely students—at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida last month. Students, faculty …

My Last Semester:

Where do I even begin… As my last semester , I look back on my time here, and from where it really all began. A boy, lost in his fashion dreams, taking a risk to move across the country to pursue his dreams. Here’s some excerpts of my application essay to FIT. Reading it again …

What Works… and What Does Not: Finals

Hello Everyone, Approaching my last semester of college has left me both reflecting and reminiscing. One of the most crucial times of the semester boils down to finals. After seven semesters of trial and error, I have found what personally works best for me during finals season… and what does not. Being in the art …

Here’s to My Last Semester:

This is it— next semester is my final semester. My last hoorah. My last time to enjoy the city as a student. I can’t believe my time here is almost up. Your last semester of college is totally not the end, even though it may feel like it at times. Good news is there’s tons …

Dealing with Snow in the Big Apple:

We all dream of a white Christmas, however, snow in the Big Apple makes life a little crazier. Just a few inches of snow brings out the snow boots and over-sized coats. Here are a few tips to get through the winter while at school: ■ Dress in Layers: Let’s be honest, layers rule during the …