Hello Everyone,
Approaching my last semester of college has left me both reflecting and reminiscing. One of the most crucial times of the semester boils down to finals. After seven semesters of trial and error, I have found what personally works best for me during finals season… and what does not. Being in the art and design field means a lot more assigned projects. And lot more projects means a lot more cumulative time spent working on a finished product, rather than preparing for a test in many different classes. Throughout my years at FIT, I have discovered how to make the most efficient time of my semester, while still being able to enjoy it as much as I can. Here are a few dos and don’ts I can confidently recommend after my semesters at FIT:
DO: Plan, Plan, and Definitely Plan-
It is no mystery that FIT’s students are hardworking, devoted and passionate. With this devotion and passion comes a certain commitment to the assigned workload. Classes and due assignments become a lot more manageable and able to be completed to a level of satisfaction when the work is broken up. Creating a timeline for yourself so you can chip away piece by piece can help your stress levels and the finished product…which brings me to…
DON’T: Last Minute is Never a Fun Minute-
No matter how much we all want to convince ourselves, saving a project or assignment to the last minute is not fun. Even if you think you can finish the project in a day, why not give yourself the extra time? You never know if something may come up or go unexpectedly. Giving yourself the extra breathing time just incase is never a bad idea. Plus, allowing yourself the extra time gives a grace period for mistakes, or improving the project/assignment to your liking.
DO: Expect the Unexpected
No matter how much we prepare and how hard we try, not everything goes according to plan… and that is okay. There is only so much that is in your control. Give yourself that extra “just incase” time, but also do not worry if there are a few bumps in the road. Some of my biggest struggles helped me grow and become a stronger person; it is all apart of life’s journey. Embrace it!
DON’T: Let Stress Get the Best of You
With the occasional lack of control comes stress. I think every college student (and probably every human being) can relate to a time where stress and anxiety felt a bit overwhelming. I have learned throughout my college career that the best way to deal with stress is to manage it and not let it consume. Sometimes a bit of stress is healthy. Stress can help motivate us to work on a project or get something done. However, do not let it take over. We are all human so the feelings of stress and anxiety, to an extend, are natural. Always remind yourself that in the end, it is going to workout.
Lastly… DO Your Best!
If you can put your head on the pillow knowing you gave something your all, then that is the the most fulfilling kind of accomplishment. Take pride in knowing that you put the effort and hard work into making something great. Be proud of your successes and embrace your failures. College is the time to try and fail and succeed… it is all part of your journey!
I hope that these dos and don’ts provide some words of encouragement! What are your tips and tricks for making it through finals?
Until next time,
Annmarie x