Bonjour mes Amies, This past week I got to practice my French with students from Paris and learn some Chinese words with students from Hong Kong. How did this all happen? One short answer: hard work and dedication (I said short, not easy). Let me explain myself, I received an email with the subject “To …
Author Archives: Sadie
Biking in the City
Hi there, Well if you have been keeping up with this blog for a year now (really, have YOU?) you will be happy to know that I have upgraded from a push scooter (adult version of course lol) to a bicycle. Things to take into consideration before I took this big step was price, space …
Fake it till you Make it. NYFW Edition
Hey Guys, So as you were ALL well aware of New York Fashion week was held at Lincoln Center from September 4th-11th. Not only was that THE thing to do but it was the major theme for parties, events, magazines and obviously your news feed. I’m here to let you in on a little secret …
Welcome or Welcome Back
Hi Everyone, So yes, I admit it.. I have been absent for a while (but for good reason). I’m proud to tell you that I finally launched my project. InfoModa RD is the first digital Dominican Fashion Encyclopedia based on informational interviews of professionals in the fashion industry within the Dominican Republic. The website is …
Student ID Card
Hello there Newcomers, As you start crossing out things from your Checklist for New Students, you will soon find out that you need a student ID Card to access any FIT Building. FIT is obsessed with security (and I mean it) and in order to enter campus buildings your ID cards must be clearly (and …