How Important is My LinkedIn?!

Hello there! Hope you all had a great week so far. Midterms are in full swing and I know how stressful that can be. But don’t worry you’ll get through it! Today I thought I would talk to you a little about your LinkedIn profile, because like most freshman I had absolutely no idea how …

NYC Food Truck Fest

Hello there! Hope you all had a great week. Midterms are slowly starting to creep up on us, and that means sleepless nights, lots of coffee and stress. And those combined is a recipe for disaster. That’s why we shouldn’t forget to enjoy ourselves and take a break once in a while too. A suggestion for …

Making Your Voice Heard at FIT

It feels like it’s been forever… and unfortunately, yes, yes it has! But nonetheless I am back, and surely this year has already been a whirlwind of new experiences, emotions, and preparation for the future that will all be written about! Enough of my personal babble, let’s talk… ELECTIONS! After the mess of the presidential …

Want To Volunteer?!

Hello there! It came to my attention, that a lot of students (especially new students), weren’t aware of our Student Volunteer Community Services (SVCS). Many think it’s to volunteer for food bank, pet shelters etc. But it offers much more volunteer opportunities than that. For example if you wanted to volunteer for NYFW, SVCS are the …

The Lowline Is Closing

Hello there! Being part of the Honors program, every student has to do three extra curricular activities each semester. After a while you come out of ideas of things to do and see. This week we got an email informing us that the Lowline was closing on the weekend and it would be our last change to …