Want To Volunteer?!

Hello there! It came to my attention, that a lot of students (especially new students), weren’t aware of our Student Volunteer Community Services (SVCS). Many think it’s to volunteer for food bank, pet shelters etc. But it offers much more volunteer opportunities than that. For example if you wanted to volunteer for NYFW, SVCS are the …

Updates For Credited Internships

Hello there! Hope you’ve all had a great week. I wanted to write this post to bring your attention if you are planning on doing a summer/fall internship, of a few changes that happened this semester for credited internships. You don’t have to attend the mandatory orientation! Everything is done online now. To sign up, you …

Getting Back Into The Flow

Hello there! I know for me it’s always the struggle after almost a month of break to get back into the flow of school life. Some of you are have been in the city for a few weeks already, but most of us have just gotten in and might be starting internships, or new jobs, and …

Prepare for a Successful Semester

The start of the new semester is right around the corner!  Even though I am a senior, I still get nervous about the start of a new semester, but there are some tips and tricks that I use to help ease myself when entering a new chapter of the year. Write down your goals.  There …