French Conversation in Paris

Panamá will be the second interim class I have taken abroad. The summer after my freshman year I took the French Conversation in Paris class. Needless to say, Paris was amazing and I would return there in a heartbeat. The “class” part was really morning reviews of what we would have learned in earlier classes …

So it Begins

Today is the beginning of an epic trip around the world. Well, really around Europe and also Central America. My journey starts today flying into Panamá City to take part in the International Trade and Marketing Practicum. The class is technically part of the ITM major, but can be taken by anyone. Each year the …

Winter in New York

“It was winter in New York as the snow began to fall…” -Ragtime (Pardon my inner theatre geek) Winter in New York City is just as incredible as everyone says it is.  While yes, it is absolutely freezing, it is incredibly beautiful.  There are certain things that you have to do whether or not you believe in …

Chelsea Galleries

FIT is located in one of the best places for artists in the country. Even within New York City, Chelsea is a hot bed for artists of all kinds, especially the fine arts. Galleries in Chelsea traditionally hold openings on Thursday nights that are open to everyone. It is a huge opportunity and resource to …

Winter Break Adventures- #1

My winter break so far has been filled with awesome experiences! My first one was last Tuesday, I went to Atlantic City ( In New Jersey, where I live). It was my first time ever there, it was an incredible experience. My mom had a Christmas party for work, so my sister in law decided to join …