Living with an RA

Whenever I mention to someone that I live with an RA (Residential Assistant), they usually respond with, “oohh…cool…” I’m gonna let everyone in on a little secret: the RA rooms (in Kaufman at least) are the biggest. There is a large triple connected to a large dining and kitchen area, a bathroom and a single …

Community at FIT

I learned something very disturbing today. This morning I went to the Bryant Park holiday shops just browsing for Christmas presents, and I stopped in a booth that was selling jewelry and scarves made by women in Ethiopia (This has nothing to do with the story, but this company’s mission is to create sustainable business …

Amateur Nights Are the Best Nights

New York is the place to be for established and up and coming performers alike. Seeing your favorite actor in a Broadway show, or your favorite band at the Gramercy Theater is exciting. Yet there is something very exhilarating and distinctly “New York” about hearing an unknown and getting that feeling you just saw the …

12 Steps to an Amazing Research Paper

(attention: these tips come from personal experience and everyone has their own way of performing best, so it’s really up to you to figure that out, but here’s a good start) Believe it or not, you will be required to write a research paper or two while at FIT. FIT, being a SUNY school, is …