First last day

So how was your first week everyone?

It has been quite a while since I have been at FIT on campus, it was a great feeling to be back. I really missed New York , the lights, the sounds, the people, all of it. This semester is a weird one for me because mostly everyone I know has graduated so there is not many faces I know around campus. Walking towards FIT for the first time in almost a year gave me goose bumps. I remember like it was yesterday how scared I was walking up to campus for the first time. I was wondering if I was gonna make friends, if I was going to do well in college, what would happen next. Then before I knew it , I’m standing here three years later wondering where my life is going to take me next. Wednesday is my only day in the city I have French conversation till 12:00 , and then I have off from work the rest of the day . For French I have this great new teacher , I can already tell I am going to learn a lot. My online classes this semester as very active , posting more then once a week which is getting a little difficult with my starting of a new job.


But I also found out what my travel assignments are for my first few weeks with my new job! I am going to Copenhagen, Denmark and Vegas! So I am going to be away for two weeks but ill be posting tons of pictures and experiences of my first time out of the country! This is a very exciting semester for me , I am starting a new portion of my life and ending one all at the same time.

How was your first week?

