Love Your Library: Disruptive Luxury

Hi Everyone,

Love Your Library is a series of events hosted by the FIT Gladys Marcus Library focusing on different aspects of the fashion industry. This year marks their 7th year of consecutive success and I was really impressed by the quality of their guest speakers. Last Wednesday I assisted Disruptive Luxury: 3D Printing for Fashion and Luxury Goods with the Designer Francis Bitonti who is known for the world’s first fully articulated 3-D Printed Gown for Dita Von Teese.

He covered everything from a brief history of his design studio, the future of the industry, and changes to both as a result of technologies like 3D printing. (His studio also offers free courses, check them out here)

Some of the things I took away:

  • 3D printing is so much more than rapid prototyping.
  • There is a shift on how content is created, language makes things and that language today is code.
  • Mathematical Models drive innovation.
  • We have to embrace computation as a creative media.
  • We should stop trying to reproduce what we already have.
  • 3D printing can be a Zero Waste Process.
  • We have a level and control of precision like never before seen in humankind.
  • There is a trend on making smaller printers not bigger.
  • In approximately 10 years the patents will die which will make the technology more widely available and less expensive.
  • The future is in our hands.

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Carpe Diem,
