It’s that time again…

Hey everyone! This semester is going amazing, a little over whelming but AHMAZING. I have had so many great opportunities that I didn’t think I would have this soon in my career. I started my first internship, and I honestly couldnt be happier there. Everyone is so nice and I just love the work that I do there for them. I’m quitting my resturant job back home and (fingers crossed) I might be making the big move to NYC! Commuting is just killing me lately and my life is starting in this wonderful place.

Let’s see what else have I been up too in the past week or so…

unnamedI’m attempting to keep up my healthy life style while the semester slowly drains me. Later this week I have some tips and exercises you can do to tone. Preparing the meals and the exercises take under thirthy mintues each! Keep reading.

sfasI went to the Chiense New Year bamboo giveaway at school the other day, so much fun! They had candy and snacks, bamboo plants, and you could even make your own latern.

weOn a class trip I was able to see the Kate Spade store on Madison Avenue. As you have all seen I’m a HUGE fan, I have eveything Kate Spade. When I walked into the store the ladies went crazy over me realizing I was all Kate Spaded out.

dsI recieved a nice surprise on my car one night after I got off the train. Someone made me a build a bear :), I’ve been getting presents and flowers like crazy lately. I cant wait to see what happens on valentine’s day. I have a feeling I might be getting asked out, but I wont spare to many details you’ll just have to wait and see!

dghCurrrently I am in the library working hard on my project , drawing, computer rendering, and using every spare second I can to make this project the best one I have ever done! These are two perspectives I just did, So far I’m pretty happy with how it is coming out.

fysjToday I got ready in a record ten minutes before I had to run to the train. Oh! I’m a blonde now! A lot of life changes have been happening since school started so I figured why not add one more to the list. I think a lot more surprises will be coming in my next few posts, can’t wait to fill you all in! I’ve decided that my blogs this semester are going to focus a lot more on my readers, SO any suggestions or things you would like me to write about please feel free to comment! And I’m going to start featuring a student every month, so you get to know other people besides the bloggers. Keep a look out for me at school , who knows you maybe next!

XOXO – Kailee