Prepare for National Portfolio Day

If you are applying to FIT in the Art & Design school and your application requires a portfolio, I HIGHLY recommend attending a National Portfolio Day.  For those who may not be familiar, National Portfolio Day (NPD) is a day in which you have the opportunity to meet with representatives/admissions counselors from the schools you …

Open House

Hello there! Just a quick reminder that Open House is coming up soon. It’s happening next week from the 10/08-10/09/16. If you’re planning on coming, I would suggest you start writing down questions you have and want answered. Open House is a great way to interact and talk to current students and ask them about their experiences …

Best Apps to Have

Hello there! Just a quick post about some of the apps that have been super helpful for me and that are great if your a student or living in the city. As a student we juggle so many different things, so having an app that can save us a little time and money is always a …

Commuting Tips

Going to a school in New York City, you’ll find that a majority of students commute to school every single day.  Between subway and bus delays, general traffic, and the dreaded rain on too narrow of a sidewalk, commuting can often be unpredictable.  While I may not have a long commute, I have a few …