Artsy Adventures

In the next couple weeks I will be going to quite a few museums at Rutgers University in New Brunswick ,New Jersey.  If you ever wanted to visit its just about 20 minutes away  from school by the New Jersey Transit .When you first start there as a transfer student ,which my boyfriend just did …

Annoying Apartments

So, I finally decided to move out of the dorms and stake out on my own. I had heard that looking for real estate in New York City was hard, but heeeyy it can’t be that bad, right? “It will be fiiiiiine” I told myself. Um…no. There are many reasons why looking for an apartment …

September is Sucide Awareness Month

Welcome back all, or I guess welcome back to me after a long eventful summer. I thought long and hard about what my first post back would be, and it’s something very near and dear to my heart,  Suicide awareness . Just a few days ago I lost someone that was my best friend in high …

Weekend trip

Hey everyone so most of you are packing up getting ready to go back home while others are gearing up for the hot summer in NYC. While there is a ton to do in the city every single day you might want to venture out. As some of you know I live in New Jersey …

This semester flew by!

WOW! It is almost the end of the semester for everyone. Between the long cold winter all the snow days and the long projects it honestly felt like summer was never going to be here. I had some amazing field trips this semester. Some which included IGUZZNI, which is a lighting show room and manufacturer. We …