New You

Hey all, I just got done with work for the night and I had the urge to blog! A lot has been going through my mind lately. Final grades, paying for next semester, being bored without school! ( yeah I know I am a nerd ). Also things in my personal life like work, relationships, …

Winter Break Adventures- #2!

 ITALY TO NYC : As you all may or may not know back at home in New Jersey I work for an Italian restaurant, they are literally like my family. I couldn’t ask for a better place to work, everyone is so nice and they really appreciate you. So I wanted to do something for …

Winter Break Adventures- #1

My winter break so far has been filled with awesome experiences! My first one was last Tuesday, I went to Atlantic City ( In New Jersey, where I live). It was my first time ever there, it was an incredible experience. My mom had a Christmas party for work, so my sister in law decided to join …

Tis the season for the Flu

Across New York a number of cases of the flu have been popping up, over 19,000 have been reported thus far. So the governor put us in a “public health emergency”. While everyone should get the flu shot it’s especially important for people with asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease,Pregnant women, and People younger than …

19 things I’ve learned in 19 years.

Finals have been crazy, and honestly I’ve been going through a lot of stuff. I’ve been really sick, I’ve been heart broken, just a lot of crazy things in time for finals. Everyone knows it’s a very stressful time, and you may need some help getting through it.The other day on the train I was …