As I get further into the semester, I begin to find that I have less and less down time. So when I do get time alone finally I tend not to enjoy it as much as when I am with others. It’s not an ideal reaction but it is truly a normal one.
One thing that has really helped me ease into alone time has been hobbies, the less time I spent with all my friends and whoever else the more hobbies I discovered I had. Use the silence to read, paint, knit, draw, whatever interests you. Recently I learned how to cook by just getting some random recipes’ online. Next, while you are doing these things do not check your phone. Checking it defeats the purpose of alone time overall. Everyone tends to get FOMO aka, Fear of missing out.
Also spending time alone doesn’t mean you need to spend time locked in your room or apartment, go for a walk, treat yourself to coffee, or go shopping alone. This still counts as alone time even if you aren’t really alone. I find that my taste in things tends to change with the people I am with so if I am alone I find more things that I love that maybe I wouldn’t think of before.
Lastly, enjoy the ultimate relaxation, when you’re not running around or doing things for others its quite relaxing. My favorite moments are once a week when I climb into a bubble bath with a book and some candles. So my suggestion is cancel your plans, put down the social media and texts and just hang out with yourself.