Best Way to Get Your Textbooks



Every semester it’s the same struggle, when having to buy your textbooks… You end up with questions like where do I buy my books? Why are they so expensive? Do I really need them? In this post I wanted to share with you some of the tips and tricks I’ve accumulated throughout my 4 semesters here at FIT. It’s something I would get really frustrated with, because I had to buy all my textbooks from my own pocket (like a lot of students here at FIT), and I would end up spending hundreds of $ on textbooks I would barely use!

My number one tip, before buying any textbooks is to wait after your first week (because you rarely use it the first day of class) of school to get them, because it happens so many times that the teachers don’t like the books and won’t use them during the semester or they will hand you out their handouts, with the most important information.

If after the first week the teachers insist for the textbook then get them and you are someone like me who needs to have a physical copy of a book in order to learn and highlight, here are some alternatives to buying or renting them at Barnes & Nobles:

  • Join the FIT class of 2018 facebook group, students are always selling their old books on there at great prices (because usually we want to get rid of them).
  • RENT or buy them on Amazon. I usually try to rent them if I can, because they are so much cheaper and then I’m not stuck with a book at the end of the semester.

If you are someone who doesn’t need a physical copy of a book and really don’t have any money to spend on textbooks, and reading them online or reading scans isn’t an issue for you then you can go to the school library and they have all the textbooks there. You can take pictures of the chapters and pages with your phone, or scan them, or you can read them at the library and take notes.

I really hope this post was helpful for you and if you have any other questions please feel free to leave them in the comments below!



One reply on “Best Way to Get Your Textbooks”

  1. Starting as a transfer in student. Is there a day at the beginning of each term where people gather to sell and buy used textbooks they’re done with or need?

    I know of a couple of colleges where this happens; hoping F.I.T. too. I need a MTH 222 book…. new ones; so expensive!

    thx 🙂

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