I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Food & family, what’s better than that right!? As we all are beginning to regret our holiday indulgences, just remember that winter break is among us! As the year comes to an end, I’m challenging myself to stay healthy during this holiday season! Here are a few tips I’m finding helpful and hopefully will inspire you to join me as well!
1. WAKE UP and GO! – Waking up a little bit earlier than usual to get a head start on the day can really help you out! Mornings are perfect for a calm and relaxing jog or walk to wake up your muscles. You get your workout in and have plenty of time for getting all the busy holiday stuff done during the day!
2. Use yourself, not the gym! – Gyms can be intimidating if you are not used to working out on a daily basis, but to stay healthy high-tech, state-of-the-art machines aren’t necessary! Use your own bodyweight to work yourself out. Push-ups, crunches, squats, and jumping jacks here and there is all you need (or even try lifting leftover cans of cranberry sauce and gravy ☻)
3. Don’t deprive yourself from holiday meals! – With all of the tasty treats on the holiday table, it’s hard not to give in! You should never deprive yourself from enjoying your favorite holiday foods. Eat up, but limit yourself to one serving. Once you’re done, put the rest in a container and slide it in the fridge. You’ll be less likely to dig in for seconds when the food is already put away.
Until next time…
– Mariano