With Junior Day having just past, I want to write about programs that you may not have even known about at FIT!
I interviewed my friend Nicholas about he joined the EOP program, what he gained from it and what he continues to gain from the program. First, I shall start with what the EOP stands for, it means the Educational Opportunity Program, a program offered to New York residents for additionally support when needed.
Colleges know that life is tricky sometimes, They understand that maybe you lived in particularly stressful environment, or went through a plethora of family problems while in high school, so your GPA isn’t the highest. However, if the school still sees you as an asset they want to aid you in your success. EOP is the support system ensure your success before and throughout the duration of the college experience.
Nicholas said that the highlights of his experience as an EOP student are as follows:
-potential for additional financial aid (who doesn’t want that?)
-the summer program before beginning the official semesters (that apparently have super interesting courses & give you a chance to experience different majors if you’re still deciding)
having the unwavering guidance of your specific EOP counselor that helps throughout your college career)
-access to other helpful programs throughout the schoolyear
-meet other EOP scholars, and create a strong support system before starting school (which is a luxury, I must tell ya)
not only meeting other EOP scholars, but also meeting students outside outside of your major.
As mentioned before, EOP is offered exclusively to NYC residents, but programs with similar missions are abundant across the country. If you think you are interested in applying for the EOP program I’ve included the link below.
All things Color, Love, & Fashion,
Ayanna L.
http://www.fitnyc.edu/2920.asp (For FIT)
http://www.suny.edu/student/faq/faq.cfm?faqname=EOPFAQ (For all state schools)