Notes From The 6 Train: Soroptimist Scholarship!

Who would I be to not acknowledge this wondrous month of March (not just because it’s my birthday month) but also it’s because it’s Women’s Month! I, of course, celebrate my innate goddess-ness daily, but I will be sure to highlight other women/ women oriented groups throughout the month.

The first organization I want to recognize is Soroptimist International Group. They’ve been around since for a hundred years, have a longstanding, passionate group of members, and lovingly do the work that is the organization’s mission.


Their entire focus is to improve the lives of women worldwide. They have programs to end domestic violence, others to end human trafficking, and even disaster grants.

They also realize the importance of women being educated and offer scholarships to college students. Last year, I was a winner of the scholarship. (Yay!)

YOU, (almost all of the FIT student body/ future student body *it is only awarded to women*) should apply. The application was fairly easy, and in fact, they lacked a number of qualified candidates that they had to extend the deadline. This year, as every year the deadline is April 1st. The information can be found on their website.

Also, if you win you get to dress up and attend a free luncheon as the guest of honor. And we know FIT students love good reason to dress up. So what’s stopping you? This is our month!

All things Color, Love, & Fashion,
Ayanna L.