Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper

The phrase “keep your eyes on your own paper” is something we grow up hearing. From the first tests we took in elementary school, to the SATs, to our college classrooms. Through that sentence, we learn that we can’t cheat by using other people’s answers or other peoples thoughts, that it’s wrong. For so long I regarded that statement as strictly relating to school and education.

As I’m getting older I find that statement to relate to more than just test taking. At my age (21) its easy to compare myself to others. There’s always someone doing something better, wearing something better, getting the cooler internship, taking the cooler trips, getting the better grades. Living in New York you’re surrounded by the best of the best, in all aspects. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming.

I’m still learning about myself and what it takes for me to be happy and successful. My formula for happiness and success is different from every single other person’s out there. I can’t compare my path to another, because that’s the thing – we are all on our own life path. My story is different from everyone else’s. That’s what makes life beautiful. That’s what makes each and every one of us so special.

When you’re feeling anxious, intimidated about your future, your success, or your happiness, remember to “Keep your eyes on your own paper.” Within yourself you can find the answers and the direction you should walk down on your life path.

Peace and Love,
