Every semester at FIT, I continue to fall in love with my major. Its so exciting and validating when you’re sitting in a class, absorbing the information, engaged in what the professor has to say – and finding yourself actually enjoying all of it.
I have had some great classes throughout my time at FIT. Some favorites include Journalism, Publicity Workshop, Advertising Copywriting, and Video Studio Production.
A favorite this semester is Corporate Communications. Corporate Communications aims to develop the skills necessary to create communications that successfully influence an organization’s internal and external publics. As students, we learn to identify emerging business trends, interpret annual reports and related business documents, and convey business news in a clear, concise style through a variety of business communication and public relations tools.
I find this class very valuable because I’m learning about terms and processes I’ve heard adults talking about for years but never understood myself. We learn about 401k’s, the stock market, how to invest in stocks, why to invest in stocks and many more useful items that will benefit me as I make my way into the workplace.
Our term project, which we work and develop upon throughout the semester, involves choosing a public company in an industry we’re interested track a trend within that industry. We study the background of the company, how the industry trend effects the industry as a whole and then how it effects the company alone. The company I’m studying this semester is Netflix! Not only do I use its on the regular, but I find the internet TV industry to be compelling and ever growing!
What classes are you interested in at FIT? Are any of you thinking of studying Advertising and Marketing Communications? Do you have any questions regarding the major? Let me know!
I would like to sign up for th SXS100 class…this is the only one I want to take. can you tell me the best way to do this? Online only.