Notes From the 6 Train: Escaping into Chinatown

21 things to do under 21:

Being under age in NY is a struggle. Back home, I spend all of my money on concerts and am a frequenter of poetry readings and art galleries. In Atlanta, it’s not a problem, but here in the big apple many venues are really strict about age. So I have begun the search to find things to do around the city that aren’t a) super expensive and b) really boring and corny.


One of the most beautiful things about New York is the diversity (duh). Having the ability to explore so many different cultures just a train-ride away is a beautiful thing and should be taken advantage of. Push yourself to explore. This weekend I went to Chinatown with a friend. We went to an authentic Chinese restaurant, which is obviously pretty easy to located in Chinatown. I had some miso soup and sushi. We also shared fried ice cream, which I would recommend for all to try at least once! Then we went right next door to this awesome old school arcade named Chinatown Fair. I’m not someone big into video-games, (actually video-games/ gaming systems were contraband during my childhood, my parents were worried it would be too distracting, so sister and I were never allowed to have any). So arcades are like my revenge to my parents. I had surprisingly more fun than I expected. And, it was nice because it was reminiscent of an old school arcade, minus PAC man, of course. There was an glow up ice hockey table, dance dance revolution, racing games, basketball, skeet ball, etc. It had an old school nineties movie feel, think (insert almost any widely popular movies from the 90’s).

Afterwards, we went to Tea-riffic, where I got some authentic bubble tea. I fell in love with bubble tea while I was in Korea, and haven’t had any since, so for me the little bubbles make me a little reminiscent about my time overseas. For all of you who don’t know what bubble tea is, it’s “a cold, frothy drink made with iced tea, sweetened milk or other flavorings, and usually with sweet black balls or “pearls” made from tapioca,” basically, it’s just amazing.

I will be 21 next year and will be glad to have more options. But I do enjoy the challenge of finding alternatives to have fun. I’m always up for a challenge. So if you have any ideas then let me know! I will keep you posted on the adventures I find.

All things Color, Love & Fashion,

Ayanna L.