Summer classes’ Do’s and Dont’s

Almost every semester now I have taken a summer class, although they have only been online they really instilled a good work ethic in me. My personal advice is if you can take summer classes’ online do it, best decision I made. If you want to travel and work you have more flexibility to do so. This summer session I am taking two classes, one online and one at the college. So here are a few things I do to prepare myself:


  1. Get an agenda, keep everything super organized.
  2. Get to know your professor, summer classes go quickly and are a full class packed into a few weeks, so you never know when you will need help.
  3. Only take 1-2 classes per summer session, it is a lot to take in.
  4. Check when your class starts, usually it’s only a short period of time after your semester ends.
  5. Register to classes early, summer gets full quickly.


  1. Don’t wait till the last minute.
  2. Don’t try to write your papers or assignments at the beach, bringing your laptop or wok isn’t always the smartest idea.
  3. Take a bunch of classes at different colleges to try and get the most of your summer classes, trust me stick to one to two.
  4. Don’t wait till your semester ends to register, most people do this in case they fail they have a backup but always register as soon as you are allowed.

Do you have any tips for summer classes? Do you prefer online or in class? Let me know!

