Tag: Friendships

  • The Planet of Perfect Friendships

    Imagine yourself on a planet where everyone on this planet speaks the same strange language as you and enjoys the same activities as you-overwhelming-maybe, but perfect seems like a better word.  I used to imagine a place like this, until I started attending FIT Precollege classes, then I stopped imaging it and started living it. …

  • Friendships and Food

    Throughout my three courses that I have taken at FIT I have learned what a great place it is to meet friends. This is because of the common interest all of the students have in the school, and fashion and art in general. So far during Summer Live I have met many different people. I…

  • Free The Limited Time

    Isn’t it funny when one part of your life always clashes with another?  Well, when I got the topic for this week’s post I laughed, half-heartedly of course.  I have been so busy lately between school, blogging, and my FIT class that my usual five hours of TV a day has been cut down to…

  • Chilling with my (Non-existant) Homies

    Some people are so outgoing they could make friends with a wall. They can go up to a stranger and strike up a conversation. They don’t mind being in a room with people they don’t know. None of these traits belong to me, unfortunately. I’m not exactly the complete wallflower type but I’m still pretty…

  • Precollege Courses: It’s Best to Sign Up With a Friend

    I hope everyone had a fantastic break despite the sporadic and not so great weather. I know mine was pretty productive! I ended up going with the pastel blue hair (I’ll post pictures later) and got some great patches for my jean jacket! Although break was fun- I can’t wait to get back to my…

  • Let the Good Times Roll: Making New Friends is What’s So Special About This Program

    Put 13 aspiring fashionistas in one classroom and the result is an incredible atmosphere of laughter and trend talk. Surprisingly, the catty behaviors that usually surface in a room with most teenage girls doesn’t rear its ugly head of turmoil and misfortune in my class.  In a class where everyone knows each others name…well almost, I…