Chilling with my (Non-existant) Homies

Some people are so outgoing they could make friends with a wall.
They can go up to a stranger and strike up a conversation.
They don’t mind being in a room with people they don’t know.

None of these traits belong to me, unfortunately. I’m not exactly the complete wallflower type but I’m still pretty socially awkward, so making new friends isn’t exactly my strong suit.

This picture of the Jonas Brothers from the amazing Forever Alone Tumblr would accurately desciribe how class is every weekend (for me at least):

The longest conversation I’ve had with anybody in my class was somebody complimenting my skirt. Otherwise, I just keep to myself  and do my work. Then after class, I pretty much run out of class to go shopping while waiting for my train 😀

Maybe one day I’ll make friends or a friend, but if I don’t, it’s not a big deal. I’m okay with being on my own for a couple of hours. I think everybody should be okay with being with themselves; it gives you time to think clearly, which I think is why I’ve gotten so much better at drawing so quickly, which again is okay with me!

-With Love (from the always forever alone) Talya



