Podcasts are popular in New York City, especially if you commute in any way! I love listening to podcasts, and subscribe to a lot- some purely for fun or personal interest, and a few that have helped with my major and general education classes.
Here are my top picks for learning on the go!
Planet Money/The Indicator – An NPR podcast duo that translate economics and international trade into relatable and tolerable bites. The Indicator comes out almost every weekday, and has helped me keep up to date with all the changing trade tariffs and duties- a big part of Production Management, my major at FIT!
Freakanomics Radio – Another economic podcast, but this one is much more goofy- a recent episode is solely dedicated to Trader Joe’s grocery stores. I’ve also enjoyed series they have done on what CEOs actually do, and their unconventional approaches to solving the world’s problems.
How I Built This – The host, Guy Raz, interviews founders of all kinds of companies, from Eileen Fischer to Kate Spade, Bobbi Brown to Glossier. Hear how they built their companies, and get inspired! FIT offers a bachelors degree in Entrepreneurship, but graduates and students of many programs at FIT have gone on to build their own companies.
Every Little Thing – Got questions about every little thing? So does Flora, who won’t rest til she finds the answers. Why do we keep goldfish as pets? What do the laundry symbols on your clothing tags mean? Listen and learn tidbits of trivia that can start a conversation or answer a question you’ve never even known you wanted to ask.
These are just a few edutainment podcasts I subscribe to! Have any suggestions? Comment below!