So these past two weeks are so incredibly hectic. I got to get a break from the city and went to Salt Lake City to present at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing. I had such a blast!
My presentation was titled Art & Rhyme:
Understanding the Importance of Writing Centers in the Development of Female Artistry. I also got to write a semi-research paper *yay, who doesn’t enjoy research papers?* & interview dope women artists. I interviewed a former high fashion model turned fashion designer who works with Barneys, to a radical black/ queer performing artist, a circus inspired satirical burlesque performer who focuses on women’s identity in society, as well as jewelry designer and painter, and classically trained dancer.
I asked them questions about how writing informs their art practice, how writing has helped find opportunities that have furthered their practice/ encouraged growth, (such as grants, residencies, etc.), if the idea of report talk vs. rapport talk *a theory about how women & men are socialized to communicate* factors into the way men and women artists communicate about their work, what tools/ support in writing centers would they want that would affirm & support women their work?

While I was working on this presentation, I have to admit, I felt a little overwhelmed. But, ultimately, I feel good that I did it. I introduced an important topic to a group of people who may not otherwise ever get this information, plus, my presentation was well attended and afterwards, several people told me about how much they enjoyed it.
Plus, I got to bond with other FIT writing tutors and go in a trip that was all sponsored on FIT! (Who doesn’t want to do that?)
All Things Color & Love,
Aya Lane